Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.
Walt Disney

Young, Lives, Influence
If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.
Orson Welles

Happy, Story, Stop
Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you're a director. Everything after that you're just negotiating your budget and your fee.
James Cameron

Friends, Matter, Small
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.
Stanley Kubrick
Music, Film, Feelings
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.
Orson Welles


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